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Lynette McDougald, Instructor, Plant and Soil Sciences

Scaring Up a Good Time with Florals

Fall is here and the holiday season begins! Lynette will share some pumpkins, spider webs, and goolishly-groovy floral designs!

Rah-Rah, Sis-Boom-Bah

Tailgating: 101. Are you ready for some football parties? Lynette will create some durable, movable design pieces to add festiveness to your football tents and buffets.

X-cellence in Design

Lynette has returned from AIFD (American Institute of Floral Design) and is going to share X-traordinary flowers and X-citing design tips.

Drought Tolerant Plants for Hot Dry Times

Even though we have had abundant rain so far this year, we know that the hot dry times are coming… Join us to learn more about drought tolerant plants that will grow in our Mississippi summers.

Art in Bloom

Floral is an art form itself but taking florals and translating them to mimic or interpret a particular piece of art can challenge and push the creativity of a designer. Spend an hour with flowers and art!

June Brides!

“Here Comes the Bride” in June. Our focus will be on floral design ideas for bridal showers and teas.

May Celebrations

We will work on May Poles: topiary design forms, working with ribbon, and floral chandelier. These floral designs will make any May Day special!

Celebrating Earth Day Every Day!

April 22 is Earth Day but as gardeners and floral designers, we celebrate it every day in a number of ways. Collected materials will be used to make flower crowns, create Easter Basket floral designs, and simple nosegays.

Welcome Spring!!!

Gray winter exits into a fresh green spring. Floral design program will be featuring fine foliage from our MS gardens.

Sweet Treats!

Valentine gifts are from the heart. Lynette will focus on using items from your own home including aromatics, herbs, and collectibles for your Valentine presentation.


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