The Application Development Team works with Extension personnel and clientele on developing Oracle, mobile, web, and other software applications. This team strives to make work tasks and quality of life better for the clientele of Mississippi by providing software solutions for areas such as, but not limited to, agriculture, agribusiness, medical care, education, and businesses. We have a wide variety of apps already available on the App Store and Google Play. If you have Extension software development needs, please contact a member of this team to discuss them.
Mobile Apps
The AppDev Team is responsible for developing mobile applications for Apple (iOS) and Android-based devices.
Web Apps
The Application Development Team is responsible for developing web-based, responsive (mobile-friendly) web applications that can be viewed on any device with a web browser.
The AppDev Team is also responsible for designing and developing websites for the various departments of the MSU Extension Service, and outside clientele. (Coming soon!)
Oracle Systems
Various Oracle and Java-based systems are used internally within the Extension Service and are developed by the AppDev Team.