About Us
Welcome to the Extension Center for Technology Outreach! The main focus of our staff is to provide leadership in technology information, adoption, training, and support for clientele in the state of Mississippi. Below is a summary of the Center’s goals:
- Improve the ability of agents and volunteers to provide programming in technology
- Increase the interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) among 4-Hers in Mississippi
- Increase the use of broadband technologies in those areas where broadband is available
- Improve the knowledge of Mississippians of how technology can be used in their lives: education, businesses, medical care, agriculture, agribusiness, etc.
- Improve the access for Mississippians to research-based information and assistance through a modernized Web presence
Formerly known as the Computer Applications and Services Department formed in the early 1980’s, the Extension Center for Technology Outreach enhances the Mississippi State University Extension Service’s outreach to local communities and clientele in the state through non-formal adult education in applied technology services.
Contact Information
Physical Address
316 Bost Extension Center
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Mailing Address
Box 9662
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Mail Stop
Mail Stop 9662
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Center's Mission
The Extension Center for Technology Outreach (CTO) provides leadership in technology information, adoption, training, and support for clientele in the state of Mississippi. Formerly known as the Department of Computer Applications and Services, the CTO enhances the Mississippi State University Extension Service’s outreach to local communities and clientele in the state through non-formal adult education in applied technology services.
Center staff are grouped in the following informal working teams: